ITS Software Solutions
Teaming with industry-leading platforms, Altitude Signal is bringing next-generation ITS software to the Mountain West. With software, our mission is to enhance the efficiency of existing infrastructure through process automation, real-time situational awareness, and insightful data analysis. With these powerful tools, we help agencies streamline roadway operations.
Flow Labs AI
Flow Labs utilizes connected vehicle data to bring agencies unprecedented visibility into their transportation networks. Users gain access to road user counts, travel times, safety statistics, and real-time analysis of their transportation ecosystem with no hardware required. Optionally integrating controller data provides the most powerful ATSPM platform on the market.
Using Al-powered tools, Flow Labs’ system proactively identifies issues, diagnoses root causes, optimizes timing plans, and measures project impacts in just a few clicks.

ITS Central
ITS Central is Transnomis’ flagship ITS software package for traffic management centers. By integrating traffic assets into this map-centric solution, agencies can simplify, automate, and organize their transportation system into an intuitive web-based solution.
ITS Central is the ultimate transportation management system, integrating an agency’s VMS, RWIS, Count Stations, Travel Time, Traffic Signal Controller, CCTV/Detection, permitting, incident management, and other devices.

Municipal 511
Municipal511 is a cloud-based road information management service designed for simplicity and efficiency. Its intuitive map-based interface makes communicating closures and distributing data quicker and more effective than traditional email methods.
With just a few clicks, road closures, hazards, truck routes, restrictions, and planned projects can be easily displayed on your website, shared with navigation and emergency responder applications, and emailed to key stakeholders for current and upcoming issues.

SynchroGreen Adaptive
SynchroGreen is the ITS industry’s premier real-time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Technology, optimizing signal timing (cycle, offset and split) for normal traffic flow or unpredictable surges due to accidents, road closures, or special events. Using optimized timing and enhanced safety features, SynchroGreen maximizes available roadway capacity using field-proven technology, reducing travel time, delays, and stops. SynchroGreen allocates time to vehicle and pedestrian phases in real-time, considering sidestreets, to keep all users moving.

Scout Controller Software
Improve your traffic signal operations with Scout, the most flexible traffic signal controller software. Scout was redeveloped with advanced functionality to handle complex intersections and with an intuitive web-based interface. Scout supports NTCIP, CV2X, TSP, and ATC cabinets, with expanded parameters for complex overlaps, FYAs, VRU safety, and more. With over 40 Years of signal experience, Scout has the functionality to address the needs of the most complex intersections. Combine Cubic ATC controllers for an intuitive, feature-rich signal control platform. #FreeTheMibs compliant.

Permit Central
Transnomis’ digital road permit platform helps government agencies streamline their permitting processes and significantly reduces time and administrative costs.
Paper and PDF-based road permitting requires a lot of back-and-forth between applicants and reviewers. Modernizing the road permit process—from application through payment and approval—optimizes workflow, reduces human error, and puts your organization’s plans in the fast lane.